Thu, Apr 11
|Mystic Reiki Studio
A Group Mediumship Reading Ceremony is a wonderful way to re-connect with your loved ones in Heaven. Limited to 10

Time & Location
Apr 11, 2019, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Mystic Reiki Studio, 352 3rd St, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA
About The Event
Group Mediumship Reading - - Connect with Loved Ones in Heaven
with Master Channeler Maureen Allan (Limited to 12 attendees, please register early)
A Group Mediumship Reading Ceremony is a wonderful way to re-connect with your loved ones in Heaven. Master Channeler and Medium Maureen Allan will bridge the gap between this dimension and Heaven’s, and help you connect with your family and friends in the Afterlife; by channeling their messages proving that their Soul is still around you today. This amazing experience of hearing comforting messages from your loved ones, validating that they are still with you, will leave you feeling inspired and grateful for the chance to reunite. This unique and special opportunity to be able to communicate and connect with your departed loved ones is not just an extraordinarily healing experience for you; but also for them.
In addition to the gift of hearing loving messages from your family and friends in the Afterlife, proving their existence, Group Channeling Ceremonies are also an amazing way to learn about how communicating with the Spirit world works. Watching Maureen work will help you learn and understand how the process of using psychic abilities work when receiving messages from Heaven. Learning from her can benefit you; so you are more prepared to receive messages on your own, when your loved ones come visit you.
Maureen Allan’s soul has attained a high level of psychic abilities, as well as wisdom. She is a Master level Channeler, who has earned the privileged position of being a direct channel for an Ascended Master. Maureen works directly under the Goddess of Mercy & Compassion Kuan Yin as one of her personal channels here.
Maureen Allan-April 11
$30.00Sold Out
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